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Showing posts from August, 2020

The Giants 1st Half: Exactly What We Expected (Or Not)

 The 2020 San Francisco Giants are legitimately in playoff contention.  That is a sentence I didn't think I'd write except maybe as a joke on Opening Day. But in this two thousand and twentieth year, where it feels like the apocalypse is nigh, an asteroid is signaling the end of an election cycle, and sports have returned to bring some normalcy 'round these parts, the San Francisco Giants are not only in the playoff hunt, if the season ended today, they'd be IN the playoffs as a wildcard team.  Granted, COVID-19 caused MLB to create all sorts of crazy rules in baseball this year, none more impactful than bumping the playoff field from 10 teams to a whopping 16. No team is more than 6 games out of a playoff spot, not even the truly awful Pittsburgh Pirates, but the truth of the matter is... the Giants are in position to play in October for real! The record isn't impressive in the sense that they're midway through this truncated 60 day season and stand at 14-16, t...